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Debian drops the site/ecosystem formerly known as Twitter.

2025-01-30 by: Michael Harrison via chugalug
From: Michael Harrison via chugalug 
Congratulations to Debian.. and for the record, I've been off that
trashbucket for a long time. Find me here: https://fosstodon.org/@meuon



The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this
decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in
our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved
into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much
invited to follow us on https://bits.debian.org , on
https://micronews.debian.org/ , or any media as listed on
https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Publicity/otherSN #debian

=============================================================== From: Stephen Kraus via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ Good. May x burn. n h

=============================================================== From: allan via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ The main thing that keeps me running Debian is their social contract. https://www.debian.org/social_contract On Thu, Jan 30, 2025 at 9:00=E2=80=AFAM Michael Harrison via chugalug wrote: ucket for a long time. Find me here: https://fosstodon.org/@meuon decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in = our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved int= o a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much inv= ited to follow us on https://bits.debian.org , on https://micronews.debian.= org/ , or any media as listed on https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Publicity/ot= herSN #debian

=============================================================== From: Eric Beavers via chugalug ------------------------------------------------------ Such a good call on their part. I left and haven't missed it. Facebook too. Ptooey! -- **Eric Beavers** Any spelling or grammatical errors found in the above post are deliberate and included to boost the self‑esteem of those who spot them.